PC boxes are incredibly valuable in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. After all, all of your favorite Pocket Monsters take up a slot. However, since you only start with eight boxes in these two games, you may wonder how to get more space for your PC.
Thankfully, this is not much of an issue. Placing a single Pokemon in every possible box will open up more space on your PC. This Scarlet and Violet guide demonstrates this process in a series of photos for the reader's convenience.
How to get more PC box space in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?
Regardless of the layout of your PC, the sole objective is to place at least one Pocket Monster in each of the eight starting boxes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. It really doesn't matter who you put in the box, as even eight simple Level 1 Magicarps will suffice.
Once you do this, you can select the header between 'L' and 'R' (it will probably be named 'Box' followed by a number, but you can rename it if you'd like). Select "Rearrange Boxes" to see something similar to the following image.
There are two icons that are relevant to this task:
Both are satisfactory for unlocking more boxes, but the latter method is easier for most players.
Once all eight are filled accordingly, leave the menu. You can later return to this menu to see that you have doubled your PC space.
Just fill each box with at least one Pokemon. You should see something similar to the following photo.
This whole process is quite simple. However, this isn't the max capacity. Leave the menu and return to it later to see that you have doubled your space.
The following image shows that you can have more space on your PC in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
The whole process is pretty simple, especially since it only requires you to have at least 16 Pocket Monsters. Having 32 boxes in your PC means you can have 960 Pocket Monsters in total, which is more than enough for the average trainer in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
You can move anything from the previous boxes and not have to worry about losing any PC space. It is unknown if Game Freak will add more space to this menu, but that shouldn't be an issue.
The aforementioned 960 total is still plenty to work with. It's unlikely that Game Freak will add the entire National Pokedex to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet since they didn't do that for Sword and Shield.
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