Everything leaked about Lyney and Lynette so far

Lyney and Lynette are two upcoming characters in Genshin Impact. Not much is known about the entities apart from the fact that both hail from the supposedly most technologically advanced nation in Teyvat, Fontaine. The region is also home to Focalors, the current Hydro Archon.

Lyney and Lynette are two upcoming characters in Genshin Impact. Not much is known about the entities apart from the fact that both hail from the supposedly most technologically advanced nation in Teyvat, Fontaine. The region is also home to Focalors, the current Hydro Archon.

A recent Genshin Impact leak revealed potential weapons, elements, and other information about Lyney and Lynette, who are expected to be released in the Fontaine update.

This article will cover everything that is known and has been leaked about these two upcoming characters. Players must note that since some of the information will be based on leaks, it is subject to change.

Lyney is a 5-star Pyro character in Genshin Impact, as per leaks

Although Lyney and Lynette are yet to make an appearance in the game, both were officially teased in "Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail" on Genshin Impact's YouTube channel. Many fans believe that the pair from Fontaine will also be released as playable characters since they were featured in the previously mentioned video, similar to Diluc, Ningguang, Ayaka, and Cyno.

A leaked lineup of potential upcoming characters (Image via seven233)

Earlier this year, a batch of leaks surfaced online, which revealed body models of several characters from Mondstadt and Fontaine that are expected to be released in future Genshin Impact updates. Interestingly, the post also featured Lyney and Lynette, which further strengthened the possibility of them getting added as playable characters.

Based on the latest leaks from Mero, it appears that Lyney will be introduced as a 5-star Pyro character who uses a Bow as his weapon. Meanwhile, Lynette (misspelled in the post) is speculated to be a 4-star Anemo Sword user, contrary to the expectations of most within the community who hoped for her to be a 5-star.

Leaks reveal Lynette is a Hydro unit (Image via Ahq leaks)

Soon after Mero's leaks, another leaker named Ahq claimed the initial leaks were wrong. The latter revealed that Lynette will likely be released as a Hydro character and stated that the Anemo Vision belongs to another. So, if the leaks are true, fans might get to see a new Anemo character in Fontaine.

Although HoYoverse has not revealed any official information about Lyney or Lynette's background, many speculate that they could be twins owing to their similar names and appearances. Fans believe they are most likely prominent figures in Fontaine since other characters in the Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview are important personalities in their own respective nations.

Additionally, due to their rather unique outfits in Genshin Impact's promotional video, it is speculated that they could be performers or Phantom Thieves.

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