Best Karlach build guide in Baldur's Gate 3

Having a good party composition in Baldur's Gate 3 is important to ensure that you are able to deal with any scenario, both within and outside of combat. Thankfully, the game provides you with various companions who can join your party and help you tackle the game's challenges.

Having a good party composition in Baldur's Gate 3 is important to ensure that you are able to deal with any scenario, both within and outside of combat. Thankfully, the game provides you with various companions who can join your party and help you tackle the game's challenges.

One of the possible companions that you can recruit in Baldur's Gate 3 is the Tiefling Barbarian Karlach, who you can encounter in Act 1. She can easily be mistaken for an enemy upon your first meeting, so make sure that you do not kill her, as you will lose a valuable ally.

If you want Karlach to operate efficiently as a member of your party, you should ensure that she has the best build possible for her class. Here is a guide on how to achieve that.

Choosing the best build for Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3

Karlach's stats in Baldur's Gate 3 are fairly well-balanced since she has 17 Strength, 13 Dexterity, 15 Constitution, 12 Wisdom, 10 Charisma, and 8 Intelligence. Her low Intelligence Score should not be a hindrance, so you do not have to worry about it.

These stats make her an incredible damage dealer and tank, which means she is the ideal frontline fighter. This guide will look at the best subclass, feats, and items that you can choose for your Tiefling Barbarian companion as she levels up.

Best subclass for Karlach

Upon reaching the third level, classes in Baldur's Gate 3 get to pick one of three subclasses. Since Karlach is a Barbarian, her options are Wildheart, Wild Magic, and Berserker. Wild Magic has a feature that makes it too unpredictable to be completely reliable, so it is eliminated.

Between the two remaining options, Wildheart provides more versatility, while Berserker is supposed to produce more damage output. The former option provides some utility outside of combat, so it is the best choice in Baldur's Gate 3.

Upon choosing Wildheart, Karlach will learn the ritual spell Speak with Animals. She also gets the Bestial Heart ability which lets her select one of five Bestial Heart types, each with a unique benefit. She is able to change her heart type each time she levels up, so you will be able to choose the best one as your whole party grows stronger.

Here are the five Bestial Heart types and the bonuses they provide in Baldur's Gate 3:

Bear Heart•Rage: Bear Heart: While Rage is in effect, you have Resistance to all damage types except Psychic and can use Unrelenting Ferocity.•Unrelenting Ferocity: You can heal yourself for 1d8+Constitution Mod once per Rage.
Eagle Heart•When entering Rage, Foes have a Disadvantage on Opportunity Attacks against you, and you can use Dash as a bonus action. This lasts for ten turns but ends early if you haven't attacked or taken damage since your last turn.•Diving Strike: Leap down unto a foe, knocking them Prone. You won‘t take falling damage. You must be above your target. Requires Rage.
Elk Heart•During Rage, you can use Primal Stampede, and your Movement speed increases by 4.5m. Lasts 10 turns.•Primal Stampede: Charge forward, attacking all hostile creatures in your way. Deals 1d4+2 Bludgeoning damage and knocks targets Prone.
Tiger Heart•You can use Tiger‘s Bloodlust, and your jump distance increases by 4.5m during Rage. Lasts for 10 turns.•Lash out to attack up to three enemies at once and make them Bleed.
Wolf Heart•You can use Inciting Howl, and your allies have an Advantage on melee Attack Rolls against enemies within 2m of you.•Stir your allies' fervor. Each ally within earshot can move an additional 3m during their next turn.

One of the advantages of this subclass is that you can choose the one that complements the other Baldur's Gate 3 party members that are with Karlach and Tav.

Additionally, upon reaching level 6, Karlach can choose an Animal Aspect as a subclass feature. She can also pick up a second one at level 10. Here are the options:

  • Bear: Carrying capacity is doubled, Advantage on Strength Checks.
  • Chimpanzee: Resistance to Falling damage, throwing camp supplies Blinds targets.
  • Crocodile: Movement on water-based surfaces increased by 3m. On slippery surfaces, gain an Advantage on Saving Throws against being knocked Prone.
  • Eagle: Darkvision up to 12m, Advantage on Perception Checks.
  • Elk: Movement speed increase by 1.5m for yourself and nearby allies.
  • Honey Badger: 50% chance for a free Rage, if Poisoned, Frightened, or Charmed at the start of your turn.
  • Stallion: Dashing grants you temporary hit points equal to twice your level.
  • Tiger: Double Strength Modifier on Attack Rolls against Bleeding or Poisoned targets, gain proficiency in Survival.
  • Wolf: Gain Proficiency in Stealth, You and nearby allies add your Dexterity modifier as a bonus to Stealth Checks.
  • Wolverine: Attacks on Bleeding or Poisoned targets Maim them for one turn.

The best options are Elk, Wolf, Stallion, and Wolverine.

Feats of Ability Score Increase

Aside from choosing a subclass and earning various subclass features, Karlach can also choose a Feat or improve an ability score at levels four, eight, and twelve in Baldur's Gate 3.

If you want to use her Unarmored Defense feature that she gets at level one, invest two points to your Dexterity at level four and one point each to Strength and Constitution at level eight. Then round it up by picking up Savage Attacker or Tough as a Feat at level twelve. However, if you would rather choose to equip her with an armor, then choose the following Feats.

  • Level four: Great Weapon Fighting is a great first choice as it grants another melee attack if you land a Critical Hit or kill a target, provided that the kill or crit was done with a melee attack as well. Also, attacks with Heavy melee weapons you are Proficient with can deal an additional 10 damage at the cost of a -5 Attack Roll Penalty. (You can toggle this on and off).
  • Level eight: Picking up Durable will increase Constitution by one point, and short rests restore all hit points.
  • Level twelve: Savage Attacker makes it so that when making weapon attacks, you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result.

Best equipment for Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3

Should you choose to utilize Karlach's Unarmored Defense feature, make sure to equip her with a shield so she can get extra defense from it. On the other hand, you can equip her with heavy armor that is perfect for front-line duties.

In the same way, choose a solid one-handed weapon to pair with her shield if Unarmored Defense is going to be used. If not, any two-handed weapon that has the best damage output is the way to go.

Your party will consist of four members at most, so make sure to also take time to build the other three. On that note, you should consider checking out this build guide for Wyll.

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